Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Within the last week, Lucasfilm (now Disney) released still another package of Star Wars movies in blu-ray. I'm not sure of the latest count but this may be the fourth or fifth package that's been made available just for blu-ray.. I guess they'll keep trying until everyone has one. And once again, individual movies are not available. You either buy Episodes I - III (which are a tough watch for a number of reasons) or the original Episodes IV -VI. Given a choice I would only by Episode IV and V - the original Star Wars: A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. These are the only two great Star Wars movies though if you wanted some questions answered, you do have to buy Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. You just have to but up with annoying scene stealing Ewoks.

So I think a little later today, I'll go over and buy the last package Star Wars IV - VI. I'd feel much better about it if I didn't think I was being strong armed into buy a movie I really didn't like simply because it's part of the package (see Indian Jones - they did the same thing with that one).

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