Monday, October 28, 2013

The Star Wars Bar Scene - A Flight Into Sillines

There is no doubt, the original Star Wars movie (Episode IV - A New Hope) is one of the great movies ever, a classic in every sense of the word, and a model of clear concise storytelling. Add to it the special effects created for the movie, long before the digital age, and you have got a movie experience that is really something special. Granted, the acting leaves something to be desired in places except the craft masters of Alec Guiness and James Earl Jones but it doesn't detract from a great movie that I sat and watched yesterday for probably the tenth time.

But each and every time, one scene bothers me, and bothers me, and bothers me some more. It's that bar scene when our heroes first encounter Han Solo. This scene, with its gazillion weird characters, each one more garish than the next, accompanied by some really hokey music seems like an exercise for George Lucas's ego and when it comes down to it, just plain silly. It isn't dramatic, it doesn't add a whole lot to the story, but in the end, just seems like about 5 minutes of just plain non-sense. Weird looking characters do not necessarily make good characters. The bar scene screams with George Lucas saying "look at what I can create that you people have never seen before." I got news for you George. I didn't want to see it 40 years ago and still don't want to see it now. The encounter with Han Solo and Chewbacca could been handled so much better and far more compelling.

Yep, as an admirer of the original Star Wars, that bar scene does everything possible to sabotage a great movie. Luckily it's short enough and I can create my own intermission by going out and raiding the refrigerator while its playing.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Within the last week, Lucasfilm (now Disney) released still another package of Star Wars movies in blu-ray. I'm not sure of the latest count but this may be the fourth or fifth package that's been made available just for blu-ray.. I guess they'll keep trying until everyone has one. And once again, individual movies are not available. You either buy Episodes I - III (which are a tough watch for a number of reasons) or the original Episodes IV -VI. Given a choice I would only by Episode IV and V - the original Star Wars: A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. These are the only two great Star Wars movies though if you wanted some questions answered, you do have to buy Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. You just have to but up with annoying scene stealing Ewoks.

So I think a little later today, I'll go over and buy the last package Star Wars IV - VI. I'd feel much better about it if I didn't think I was being strong armed into buy a movie I really didn't like simply because it's part of the package (see Indian Jones - they did the same thing with that one).